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Rapid Easing of COVID 19 Measures in Austria

Rapid Easing of COVID 19 Measures in Austria

Published : 22-Feb-2022 07:29

COVID 19 measures will be largely lifted in Austria in the coming weeks, the country's government has announced. This means that travelling to Austria will gradually become less complicated from 5 March at the latest.

From 19 February gradual relaxations came into force in all major settings where the 2G rule (vaccinated or recovered) had applied.

From now the 3G rule (vaccinated or recovered or tested) will applies in cable cars, on bus trips, in hotels and restaurants, in spa and gyms as well as at events.

The midnight curfew and the ban on night-time catering does remain in place, and the general requirement to wear a mask indoors also remains in place.

As of 22 February, the entry regulations to Austria are also being relaxed with a general 3G rule now applying to all countries and no testing required.

From 5th March, all measures will largely be dropped with no entry regulations for entering Austria, and no curfew. Masks will only be required in 'vital businesses' (supermarket, post office, banks, pharmacies, etc.) and public transport although in all other places, there is still a recommendation to wear an FFP2 mask in enclosed spaces.

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