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America’s Summer Ski Area To Open From Final Weekend of May

America’s Summer Ski Area To Open From Final Weekend of May

Published : 08-Apr-2023 08:05

The Beartooth Basin summer ski area located on the Montana/Wyoming border says it plans to open for its 2023 season over the Memorial Day holiday long weekend in the US at the end of May.

Originally established as the Red Lodge International Summer Racing Camp, in the mid-1960s by Austrians Pepi Gramshammer, Eric Sailer and Anderl Molterer, the centre is the only one in North America to only be open in the summer ski months.

The centre has faced challenges with lifts needing repair delaying season openings or lack of adequate winter snow build up other years, but this year it announced plans to open in March and has now specified the date. The length of the season can last from a few weeks to a few months depending on conditions.

Beartooth Basin is one of half-a-dozen summer-only ski areas in the northern hemisphere including centres in Italy, Japan, Norway and Sweden.

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